结构分布,即组合空间的分布,通常用于学习观察到数据的潜在概率表示。然而,缩放这些模型是由高计算和内存复杂度相对于潜在表示的大小的瓶颈。诸如隐藏的马尔可夫模型(HMMS)和概率的无内容语法(PCFG)的常见模型在隐藏状态的数量中需要时间和空间二次和立方。这项工作展示了一种简单的方法来降低大类结构化模型的计算和内存复杂性。我们展示通过将中央推理步骤视为矩阵 - 矢量产品,并使用低秩约束,我们可以通过等级进行模型表达性和速度。用神经参数化结构化模型进行语言建模,复音音乐建模,无监督语法诱导和视频建模的实验表明,我们的方法在提供实用加速度的同时匹配大状态空间的标准模型的准确性。
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Despite the huge advancement in knowledge discovery and data mining techniques, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis process has mostly remained untouched and still involves manual investigation, comparison, and verification. Due to the large volume of XRD samples from high-throughput XRD experiments, it has become impossible for domain scientists to process them manually. Recently, they have started leveraging standard clustering techniques, to reduce the XRD pattern representations requiring manual efforts for labeling and verification. Nevertheless, these standard clustering techniques do not handle problem-specific aspects such as peak shifting, adjacent peaks, background noise, and mixed phases; hence, resulting in incorrect composition-phase diagrams that complicate further steps. Here, we leverage data mining techniques along with domain expertise to handle these issues. In this paper, we introduce an incremental phase mapping approach based on binary peak representations using a new threshold based fuzzy dissimilarity measure. The proposed approach first applies an incremental phase computation algorithm on discrete binary peak representation of XRD samples, followed by hierarchical clustering or manual merging of similar pure phases to obtain the final composition-phase diagram. We evaluate our method on the composition space of two ternary alloy systems- Co-Ni-Ta and Co-Ti-Ta. Our results are verified by domain scientists and closely resembles the manually computed ground-truth composition-phase diagrams. The proposed approach takes us closer towards achieving the goal of complete end-to-end automated XRD analysis.
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To analyze this characteristic of vulnerability, we developed an automated deep learning method for detecting microvessels in intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) images. A total of 8,403 IVOCT image frames from 85 lesions and 37 normal segments were analyzed. Manual annotation was done using a dedicated software (OCTOPUS) previously developed by our group. Data augmentation in the polar (r,{\theta}) domain was applied to raw IVOCT images to ensure that microvessels appear at all possible angles. Pre-processing methods included guidewire/shadow detection, lumen segmentation, pixel shifting, and noise reduction. DeepLab v3+ was used to segment microvessel candidates. A bounding box on each candidate was classified as either microvessel or non-microvessel using a shallow convolutional neural network. For better classification, we used data augmentation (i.e., angle rotation) on bounding boxes with a microvessel during network training. Data augmentation and pre-processing steps improved microvessel segmentation performance significantly, yielding a method with Dice of 0.71+/-0.10 and pixel-wise sensitivity/specificity of 87.7+/-6.6%/99.8+/-0.1%. The network for classifying microvessels from candidates performed exceptionally well, with sensitivity of 99.5+/-0.3%, specificity of 98.8+/-1.0%, and accuracy of 99.1+/-0.5%. The classification step eliminated the majority of residual false positives, and the Dice coefficient increased from 0.71 to 0.73. In addition, our method produced 698 image frames with microvessels present, compared to 730 from manual analysis, representing a 4.4% difference. When compared to the manual method, the automated method improved microvessel continuity, implying improved segmentation performance. The method will be useful for research purposes as well as potential future treatment planning.
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Thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) and plaque rupture have been recognized as the most frequent risk factor for thrombosis and acute coronary syndrome. Intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) can identify TCFA and assess cap thickness, which provides an opportunity to assess plaque vulnerability. We developed an automated method that can detect lipidous plaque and assess fibrous cap thickness in IVOCT images. This study analyzed a total of 4,360 IVOCT image frames of 77 lesions among 41 patients. To improve segmentation performance, preprocessing included lumen segmentation, pixel-shifting, and noise filtering on the raw polar (r, theta) IVOCT images. We used the DeepLab-v3 plus deep learning model to classify lipidous plaque pixels. After lipid detection, we automatically detected the outer border of the fibrous cap using a special dynamic programming algorithm and assessed the cap thickness. Our method provided excellent discriminability of lipid plaque with a sensitivity of 85.8% and A-line Dice coefficient of 0.837. By comparing lipid angle measurements between two analysts following editing of our automated software, we found good agreement by Bland-Altman analysis (difference 6.7+/-17 degree; mean 196 degree). Our method accurately detected the fibrous cap from the detected lipid plaque. Automated analysis required a significant modification for only 5.5% frames. Furthermore, our method showed a good agreement of fibrous cap thickness between two analysts with Bland-Altman analysis (4.2+/-14.6 micron; mean 175 micron), indicating little bias between users and good reproducibility of the measurement. We developed a fully automated method for fibrous cap quantification in IVOCT images, resulting in good agreement with determinations by analysts. The method has great potential to enable highly automated, repeatable, and comprehensive evaluations of TCFAs.
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我们考虑了折现成本约束的马尔可夫决策过程(CMDP)策略优化问题,其中代理商试图最大化折扣累计奖励,但受到折扣累积公用事业的许多限制。为了解决这个受约束的优化程序,我们研究了经典原始偶性方法的在线参与者 - 批判性变体,其中使用来自基本时间变化的马尔可夫过程产生的单个轨迹的样品估算了原始功能和双重函数的梯度。这种在线原始双重自然参与者批评算法维护并迭代更新三个变量:双变量(或拉格朗日乘数),一个原始变量(或actor)以及用于估算原始变量和偶变量的梯度的评论变量。这些变量同时更新,但在不同的时间尺度上(使用不同的步骤尺寸),它们都相互交织在一起。我们的主要贡献是得出该算法与CMDP问题全局最佳收敛的有限时间分析。具体而言,我们表明,在适当的步骤中,最佳差距和约束违规的情况下,以$ \ mathcal {o}(1/k^{1/6})$的价格收敛到零,其中k是数字。迭代。据我们所知,本文是第一个研究用于解决CMDP问题的在线原始偶发参与者方法的有限时间复杂性。我们还通过数值模拟来验证该算法的有效性。
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在本文中,我们介绍了四种突出的恶意软件检测工具的科学评估,以帮助组织提出两个主要问题:基于ML的工具在多大程度上对以前和从未见过的文件进行了准确的分类?是否值得购买网络级恶意软件检测器?为了识别弱点,我们针对各种文件类型的总计3,536个文件(2,554或72 \%恶意,982或28 \%良性)测试了每个工具,包括数百个恶意零日,polyglots和apt-style-style style文件,在多个协议上交付。我们介绍了有关检测时间和准确性的统计结果,请考虑互补分析(一起使用多个工具),并提供了近期成本效益评估程序的两种新颖应用。尽管基于ML的工具在检测零日文件和可执行文件方面更有效,但基于签名的工具仍然是总体上更好的选择。两种基于网络的工具都与任何一种主机工具配对时都可以进行大量(模拟)节省,但两者在HTTP或SMTP以外的协议上都显示出较差的检测率。我们的结果表明,所有四个工具都具有几乎完美的精度但令人震惊的召回率,尤其是在可执行文件和Office文件以外的文件类型上 - 未检测到37%的恶意软件,包括所有Polyglot文件。给出了研究人员的优先事项,并给出了最终用户的外卖。
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